Brent E. Marty has been actively involved in the Indianapolis arts community for many years working with several local organizations as a director, musical director, performer, instructor and accompanist. He currently serves as Director of Music and Education for Booth Tarkington Civic TheatreBRENT E. MARTY HEADSHOTwhere he administrates all education programming and oversees all “musical” aspects of production.

Brent was named a 2015 Creative Arts Renewal Fellow by the Arts Council of Indianapolis and recently attended the Music Directing Intensive at the Goodspeed Opera House in Connecticut as part of his fellowship and will travel overseas this fall to complete it.  Brent has played on Hoagy Carmichael’s piano which has been restored and is housed at the Columbia Club in downtown Indianapolis where Hoagy performed on many occasions. He is honored to carry on the legacy with this project.